Venture capitalism

Remember kids! Profits are the unpaid wages of the working class!

I’m a Marxist, I’ve said that before. Who could’ve guessed that I’d include a whole chapter in my manifesto about the evils of capitalism and how it’s slowly ruining FOSS. Think of this as a broader sequel to “Oligarchy” and “Corporate interest”.


Why do capitalists invest in FOSS? Well, to seem cool (and also to destroy any chance of a good FOSS-project of being big before being fully loaded with cash from Microsoft and Google so that they’re the puppeteers), of course! Capitalists (capitalists, plutocratists, and oligarchs are used interchangebly) just see FOSS as another venture (hence, venture capitalism) for them to invest in. They see FOSS as ANOTHER FUCKING COMPANY TO LOAD FULL OF CASH AND REAPING THE FUCKING BENEFITS.


You should be able to solve this yourself. I’ll give you three seconds. 3, 2, 1… Donations. I said it before and I’ll say it again: Once the plutocratists have filled your pockets with cash, how are you supposed to say no! You want more of that cash, don’t you? It’s a sad reflection on our reality that plutocratists can bribe their way into FOSS-projects.

The self made billionaire

is a hoax that has brainwashed a majority of capitalist nations’ people. Take our good pal, machiavellian-president Elon Musk! His father owned an emerald mine in APARTHEID! In reality, the rich people of the world are made by:

A lot of these people are “tech broligarchs”, e.g:

(Tech broligarch) A person (often a white cishet man) who has made all of their money from tech.

These tech broligarchs see money in open-source, and thus invests in FOSS-projects. DO NOT LET THEM, PLEASE DO NOT LET THEM.

How do you solve this?

Well, it can be summed up with:

Two-hundred-and-forty years of capitalism have brought us to “neo-feudalism”. Perhaps it’s time to give communism a try?

What I mean here is that when (and it’s when, not if) capitalism collapses, FOSS will immediately stop being corporate and truly become Free and Open Source Software. This is another fundamental of Marxocracy: Bringing a communist revolution, as that will lead to more equality.

Okay, let’s brighten up the mood with a satire piece!!!

Mein Unternehmen

My name is Beffrey Jezos and I’m a white heterosexual cis male, the most oppressed group of people. I was born to rich upper-class parents who had $1B, how little! When I was 20 I started my own business! It’s easy, poor people! You just need hard work, ambition and a small loan of ~$50M! The business was basically “Online delivery service (which I call ‘zonama’)”, a real good business! I hired some poor people (eww) who I exploit daily and pay them less than they’re worth. I don’t let them go to the bathroom daily, and as such they have to pee in bottles. I’m also anti-union. Why? Because I like money, not egalitarianism! Th-that’s cultural Marxism… Egalitarianism? More like egali-bad-anism! HAHA! But this is a manifesto after all, so it’s time to hear my unfiltered political opinions who might be a bit antisemitic and also racist.

I don’t believe in equal rights. Neither social or economic. I don’t believe that the following are deserving of equal rights:

I also believe that there should be no state except for a state that gives me money in form of corporate welfare, which is a good thing! I should be able to build up my own gestapo to kill minorities without state intervention! I’m a nazi-anarcho-capitalist-fordist, and I’m proud of that! I’m proud of exploiting people! I’M SO PROUD! MURRICA RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Next chapter: Groupthink