
Republicans and FOSS-users have yet another thing in common: Cultism. USA’s president Donald J. Trump, – the racist businessman – has built a kind of “cult of personality” around himself. And then we have pedophile-sympathizer Richard Stallman, who has done the same thing.


And Stallman returns

Stallman? Why would we mention Stallman again? Well… The thing I mentioned in “Tribalism” was… Only one of the controversies. “Gasp!”, I hear you say! But fret not, there’s this very good paper on all of his controversial activity which I’ve taken a lot of this info from! So… If you want to read more on the topic, read it here. But basically, this is all of the problematic behaviour that is documented in the informal paper:

And we have only mentioned one of them. “But no! He didn’t mean it! He’s a different person now!”, no. It’s more like “Instead of being a pedophile-sympathizer, he’s a pedophilia, sexual-assault, bestiality, necrophilia, sexual-misconduct and child sexual abuse material sympathizer!”… So yeah, Stallman is mentally ill, and he should probably get some therapy. But in this context, I don’t care about what he did, I only – as a FOSS-cultism investigator – care about what the response from the community was. NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING!

You get nothing! You lose! Good day sir!

It’s INSANE! It’s almost… Cult-like. Is it cult-like? Is there an actual cult of Richard Stallman that will defend him without question? Is there a… FOSS-cult???

The FOSS-cults

There are cults upon cults upon cults in the FOSS-community, and it’s quite frankly crazy. One of them is “The cult of Richard Stallman”, but there are other… FOSS-cults. Here are just a few of them:

They do exist, and it’s quite honestly insane that they do. These cults use techniques like “negging” and “love-bombing” to recruit people. But unlike hate-groups: These cults are mostly harmless.

Negging and love-bombing

I’d like to present you with a situation. Imagine, – just for a second – that you’re a leftist and you have this friend, he’s called… Kevin? Over the years, you’ve gone sharply left while Kevin has gone downright fascist. For the last few weeks, Kevin has been disagreeing with you about welfare. You, the leftist: Believe that welfare is an inherently good idea while he, the fascist: Believes that welfare is for “welfare queens” and “the lazy”. But now, all of a sudden, he’s been respecting you. He now targets a “them” in the welfare question with “them” meaning any kind of leftist, and acting like you are somehow better than “them”. And even though you don’t agree with him, it’s kind of cool to have his respect.

This is a recruiting technique, do not fall for it. This fascist is trying to convert you by using a technique called “negging and love-bombing”, involving firstly being mean to you, then being “nice” to you. This is used in actual FOSS-cults as well.

The clear intersection

In this book so far, you might have noticed an… Intersection between the alt-right (Republicans) and the FOSS-community. They act the same! THE SAME! Haven’t you noticed yet? There’s a lot of similarities between our pal DJ. T and Richard Stallman. For example, the

This chapter on “cultism” was actually the chapter on the correlation between fascists and the FOSS-community! It’s quite frankly insane that people forgive Stallman because he “is an icon”… Just like our pal DJ. T! Just look at this blog post by Stallman himself:

05 June 2006 (Dutch pedophiles form political party)

Dutch pedophiles have formed a political party to campaign for legalization. [Reference updated on 2018-04-25 because the old link was broken.]

“I am skeptical of the claim that voluntarily pedophilia harms children. The arguments that it causes harm seem to be based on cases which aren’t voluntary, which are then stretched by parents who are horrified by the idea that their little baby is maturing.”
- Richard Stallman

Granted, he did denounce this later, but the purpose of me bringing this up is that… THE FOSS-CULTISTS DEFENDED HIM! Th-that’s insane… You cannot defend people with this kind of problematic behaviour, neither Trump nor Stallman! Dear programmers, don’t defend pedophile-sympathizers.

Next chapter: Liberty