
The collective is more important than the individual. In FOSS, this basically means that the individual doesn’t own any code, but the collective (e.g community) owns it.


Uniocracy (Origin: Latin: Union) is a code governing system in which the collective (or unio, as it is referred to) owns all of the code together and in which no individual can dictate the direction of the code. Any important legal decision – such as selling the code to a 3rd party – needs to be voted on.

This is another one of the principles of Marxocracy. Everyone owns the code together. If this principle is followed, the unio will be equal as everyone owns it together, and no one can pawn it off to a big corporation. While this might be a bit slow, it’s necessary for an equal society where a FOSS-project can thrive.


Antiuniocracy is basically just the anti to uniocracy, it believes that one or a few people should own the code and not everyone.

Examples of antiuniocratic governing systems include:


“But what about democracy?”, I hear you ask. Well, it depends on what the populus wants. In marxocracy it’s very much uniocratic but in others, it’s not. Generally, of all of the FOSS-democracies, they’re

I think we can all come to the same conclusion, here. We need to increase the percentage of uniocratic projects, whether that be by pushing change in bigger projects or dare I say, forking it! Uniocracy is a net good on society and we need to increase the percentage of projects following the uniocratic principles, if not marxocracy as a whole!

Oh, look! It’s the Republicans!

For the most shocking plot twist of the century, I’ll be returning to criticizing the big R Republicans and exploring their correlation to FOSS. Magically, Republicans also don’t like uniocracy. “When a white cisgender heterosexual male born to rich parents who attended private school and whose entire personality is built on being a nazi succeeds, just let them succeed!”, they say. A communists politics boils down to “Egalitarianism is good” while the fascists politics boils down to “Egalitarianism is so super duper bad!” (just a reminder, the Republicans are fascists, or at least rightist-populist). “We shouldn’t own things collectively”, the greedy capitalist pigs say. “WE ARE BETTER THAN THE POOR PERSON.”

Two sides of the same coin

Pictured: Two sides of the same coin.

Also, come to think of it, isn’t Trump like… Scarily similar to “mein führer” AKA Adolf Hitler? They talk a lot about vermin and they’re both fascist. They have a lot of the same talking points. Come to think of it, Trump, did you read mein kampf? I’ve heard it’s really bad because it came from Hitler rambling while pacing from back and forth in prison cell he was in. Trump narrowly escaped that fate! I bet he’ll be pacing back and forth in the white house while writing his manifesto.

On the AI question

I want to dedicate the last section of this chapter to AI collectivization. Once upon a time a person I knew said something like:

”[Communism and tech don’t go together and communism is bad] /…/ Unless you’re like a ‘Tech bro communist’ who wants to own AI collectively.”

I – being the person I am – responded:

“I do in fact want to own AI collectively!”

I said this after pondering for 2s and it was kind of impulsive for me to say. But when I thought more and more and more about it, I realized… I was probably correct? Owning AI collectively would help stop corporate greed and make everyone happy. Okay, so this is the pitch: A super duper good AI which everyone owns collectively, commun[ai]ism!

Next chapter: Fascism