
“The receptivity of the masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan.”
- Literally Hitler

I know this might come as a shock to some people, but I don’t really like fascism that much, which makes it only sadder what this chapter is about. Time to tie up another lose end: Fascism, Republicans and conservatism. I’ve been mentioning all of these a lot in the book so far, so let’s talk about it.


“You know the USA? I don’t live there, but I certainly know it. There’s a certain politician there who has followers so tribal, so forgiving to their holy leader: That they’ll forgive him for committing multiple felonies. His name is Donald J. Trump and he is now – somehow – the president of the USA. What I’m trying to convey is that the FOSS community is almost as tribal as the USA Republican party (though it be for a more noble cause), and that leads to… Situations. Certainly.”

“We’ve already covered how there’s already a pretty big part of the FOSS community that are schizophrenic and don’t have a single good opinion. These people are called ‘Republicans’ and are truly the worst of the worst of FOSS. /…/ The people that say ‘The US is a meritocracy’ though, I believe: Are nationalists in disguise so there’s no need to consider them.”

“So, they left and created an ‘apolitical’ (by which I mean: ‘conservative nationalist’) fork of the Godot engine known as ‘Redot’ (an awful name for an awful engine made by awful people). By the way, Redot is several commits behind Godot, so it’s inferior to its ‘woke’ counterpart.”

“You know… I’m starting to notice a correlation between FOSS and the USA Republican party… Strangely tribal, strangely elitist and strangely discriminatory!”

“Republicans and FOSS-users have yet another thing in common: Cultism. USA’s president Donald J. Trump, – the racist businessman – has built a kind of ‘cult of personality’ around himself. And then we have pedophile-sympathizer Richard Stallman, who has done the same thing.”

“In this book so far, you might have noticed an… Intersection between the alt-right (Republicans) and the FOSS-community. They act the same! THE SAME! Haven’t you noticed yet? There’s a lot of similarities between our pal DJ. T and Richard Stallman.”

“IT’S IMPLIED THAT YOU SHOULDN’T BE RACIST, SEXIST AND HOMOPHOBIC, JUST LIKE IT IS IN REAL LIFE! Only conservatives and fascists believe that it’s acceptable to be any of these things, and I don’t want conservatives and fascists contributing to my project. The only acceptable type of discrimination is political discrimination in the pursuit of egalitarianism. Fascists are not welcome in my project!”

“the fascists politics boils down to ‘Egalitarianism is so super duper bad!’ (just a reminder, the Republicans are fascists, or at least rightist-populist). ‘We shouldn’t own things collectively’, the greedy capitalist pigs say. ‘WE ARE BETTER THAN THE POOR PERSON.’”

“Also, come to think of it, isn’t Trump like… Scarily similar to ‘mein führer’ AKA Adolf Hitler? They talk a lot about vermin and they’re both fascist.”
- Me (Elis Staaf), Waiting for marxocracy (2025)

Above is every single mention of conservatives, Republicans and fascists in this book. “But why, Elis? Why does this matter?” Well, I needed to highlight how many times I needed to talk about fascists to properly highlight their prominence in FOSS. These fascists are everywhere. It’s almost like… A lot of people in the FOSS community are fascists! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!? But yeah… It’s true. They are scarily prominent.


Pictured: What a lot of FOSS-users want to be: A failed socialist turned dictator who everybody wants dead, but just can’t quite reach because he’s in hiding.


Fascism comes in many forms, but in FOSS terms: It’s never apparent. They’re not STUPID! Yet I believe I may posess a small but comprehensive list of the most popular fascist projects. They are: (with “…” meaning “And more!”)

Are you a fascist?

Are you a… Ahem, I’ll just pull up the wiki. Are you a supporter of:

A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

If so, get out. Get the fuck out. I do not want fascists reading my book. You’re a dirty ultra-nationalist who doesn’t deserve anything, not even the pseudo-enjoyment of reading this book.


Combatting against fascism is an essential part of not only marxocracy, but basic decency. This can be done in many different ways, for example not giving them a platform or publicly persecuting them in the name of egalitarianism. Another very good way is by using the Antifa MIT license to keep dirty fascists away from your source code. Speak openly against fascism, saying things like “I don’t want fascism in MY FOSS!”, or something like that, I’m not a rhetorical expert.

Next chapter: Remaining human