The emperor
We’ve reached it. The culmination of Richard Stallman’s might. An entire chapter on Richard Stallman. Think of it as tying up the loose ends of “Tribalism” and “Cultism”.
Stallman the puppeteer
Stallman is a terrible person, but before we talk about that, let’s talk about his iron grip on the GNU project. He’s built up a kind of “cult of personality” about himself, with the “cultists” praising him and forgiving him for everything. He’s not an outward BDFL, but he’s a machiavellian, controlling everything from the shadows, like a secret-BDFL! Both the FSF and the GNU project are wrapped around his old-ass fingers. Pedophile-sympathizing is nothing for these cultists. Speaking of cultists, who are they? Almost the entire GNU project and the FSF.
Stallman the villain
We will be going trough the following controversies in the specified order, and there are a lot of them, I promise.
- Pedophile-sympathizing
- Beastiality-sympathizing
- Necrophilia-sympathizing
Stallman the pedophile-sympathizer
Oh, well! It’s time for the pedophile-sympathizing! This is a controversy that I’ve already covered, so I’ll just quote the wikipedia page again.
In September 2019, it was learned that Jeffrey Epstein had made donations to MIT, and in the wake of this, MIT Media Lab director Joi Ito resigned. An internal MIT CSAIL listserv mailing list thread was started to protest the coverup of MIT’s connections to Epstein. In the thread, discussion had turned to deceased MIT professor Marvin Minsky, who was named by Virginia Giuffre as one of the people that Epstein had forced her to have sex with. Giuffre, a minor at the time, had been caught in Epstein’s underage sex trafficking ring. In response to a comment saying that Minsky “is accused of assaulting one of Epstein’s victims”, Stallman objected to the inaccurate wording. Minsky was not accused of “assault”, and from the victims’ testimonies it was not clear whether Minsky had committed “assault”, and Stallman argued that “the most plausible scenario is that she presented herself to him as entirely willing. Assuming she was being coerced by Epstein, he would have had every reason to conceal that from most of his associates”. When challenged by other members of the mailing list, he added “It is morally absurd to define ‘rape’ in a way that depends on minor details such as which country it was in or whether the victim was 18 years old or 17”, holding that it was not relevant to the harm that was done to the victim.
I think my reaction was appropriate:
Doesn’t that seem like… Pedophilia? Or at least pedophilia sympathizing? Whether he’s pedophile or a pedophile sympathizer: (shocker) It’s morally wrong to sympathize with Jeffrey Epstein!!!
Stallman the beastiality-sympathizer
Supreme leader Stallman has also expressed support of beastiality, which disgusts me. I shall quote supreme leader Stallman himself on this:
Prudish censorship attacks again in the UK, convicting someone for possessing “extreme pornography”, including images of sex with animals. I can’t imagine a possible reason to punish people for this. The article does not report that the animals were harmed, or that they objected to the experience, or that they thought of it as sexual. The law does not consider these questions pertinent. What is, however, clear is that prohibiting the possession of copies of some image or text — no matter what that image or text may be — threatens human rights. It creates excuses to search through people’s possessions and files. It creates ways to make people vulnerable to criminal charges without their cooperation or even their knowledge. All such laws must be repealed.
Yeah, supreme leader… Doesn’t seem like a good look to me. There’s a lot more bad stuff about Stallman and… Beastiality. Check out The Stallman report for that.
Stallman the necrophilia-sympathizer
In addition to all other… Stuff, emperor Stallman is also in support of necrophilia, which… I’ll just quote the man:
After reading about that case, I was curious about which kinds of pornography the state is prepared to imprison people for. Here’s what the statue says to define “extreme pornography”: /…/ An act involving sexual interference with a human corpse, /…/ The concept of “sexual interference with a human corpse” is curious. All a corpse can do on its own is decay, so the only possible “interference” is to prevent its decay. Thus, “sexual interference” rationally would mean some sexual activity while injecting embalming fluid, or while putting the corpse into a refrigerator. However, I doubt that the censors interpret this term rationally. They will have cooked up an excuse for some twisted interpretation that enables them to punish more people. This censorship cannot be justified by protecting corpses from suffering. Whatever you do to a corpse, it can’t suffer, not even emotionally. /…/ Since the law doesn’t care whether a real human was really threatened with harm, it is not really concerned about our safety from violence, any more than it is concerned with avoiding suffering for corpses or animals. It is only prejudice, taking a form that can ruin people’s lives.
… Haha, funny joke, Stallman. Stallman? Oh, it… It wasn’t. God, I hate writing this book. Yeah, I’m going to the bathroom to puke…
This chapter was – of course – incredibly disgusting for me to write. It almost makes me want to puke, thinking of this. But it’s also a great injustice that people don’t care, they still respect Stallman… Y’know, isn’t it like “Human decency 101” that you shouldn’t be in support of any of these things. It’s insane that people continue to be in support of Stallman… This is my personal philosophy on Stallman:
Separate the art from the artist, but also recognize the wrongs of the artist and the fundamental reason the art has been separated. Because, to truly separate him from his art, we need to recognize his wrongs, and right them by not supporting him anymore.