So the US government. It… Exists, nothing more positive to say about it… They released a paper like a year ago endorsing Rust (the programming language, not the element) and spitting on C. This made me mad. I love C! It’s definitely my favourite language of all time. It’s beautiful. But I’m not stupid… Sometimes… But I realize the flaws of C: Memory leaks… Yeah, that’s about it, but memory leaks are a pretty serious issue and we need to work around it. Also, I like Rust, don’t get me wrong! It’s just not my favourite language ever… At all. I enjoy programming Rust, I just… Don’t like the borrow checker…

*Gasp!* I hear you say. But listen, it took me a while to even learn the borrow checker, and I was pretty satisfied! But turns out I didn’t learn the borrow checker. I overlooked some things. Okay, throw tomatoes at me and call me stupid, just let me talk! If a normal developer like me can’t really learn the borrow checker in an hour, there’s probably a problem with it! Yeah, borrow checking is bad, sue me.

Typing, typing, typing. Rust’s typing is trash. I remember once I needed to return a string as a type. Me, an intellectual, decides to return an &str. “If a string as a parameter is an &str, I should return that, right? RIGHT!?”. Think something like this, but more complicated:

pub fn return_a_str() -> &str {
    return "Hello World!\n";

And that raises an error… Turns out (I looked it up after 40 minutes) that the return type of a string is… String? Wait, what? Why? Huh? What? Hmm? Huh? To this day I still don’t have any idea what that was…


fn main() {
    println!("Hello World!");

Does this compile? Does it? DOES IT? NO NO NO NO!!!!!! God, I think I’m going insane… The function needs to be PUBLIC!!!! WHY!? WHY!?


Now, to answer the question of the ages: Is Rust… Good? The answer is… Yes, the answer is yes. All of the above complaints are just small nitpicks in an otherwise good language. It gets like a 7/10 on the good scale.

Anyway, I’m going to… Complain about Rust some more, and then digress when the tomatoes are thrown… Install Rust plz.